Sunday, January 31, 2010

Newton's 3 laws and Momentum

Hello readers of this blog.

On Friday we went over Newton's 3 laws and momentum.

Newton's first law: Newton's first law is Inertia or that an object will do what they do unless a force is acting on it

Newton's second law: Newton's second law is the formula force=mass x accerleration

Newton's third law: Newton's third law is the to every action there is an equal and opposite reaction

Momentum: momentum=mass x velocity or p=mv

Momentum is the quantity of an object

More velocity = more momentum

"I can calculate the the motion of heavenly objects, but not the madness of people"

-Sir Isaac Newton
Next Scribe is Ciprian

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Ms. D's Challenges

Hi everyone! This is the first scribe post of the 3rd quarter!

First of all, I would just like to remind everyone that blogging is different this quarter. The scribe post should be the same as last year, but you should only make two minor edits to our blog - NO MAJOR EDITS!!! You should make one minor edit to one of the Canadian blogs, and one minor edit to the 8th grade blog!

The Canadian blogs' URLs are: , , and

The URL to the 8th grade blog is

Today we made force diagrams. Ms. D helped us draw and she gave us some names of forces acting on the boxes: gravity, air pressure, air resistance, and the force of push/pull.

After that Ms. D gave us some challenges. We got a beaker, five coins, an Erlenmeyer flask, an embroidery hoop, and an index card. For the first challenge, we were supposed to first put the index card on the beaker, then put one gold coin on it. We were supposed to get it in the beaker without just bending the index card so they come in. After that we did the same thing but with the silver coin, and after that two coins, and finally with five.

For challenge number two we did the same thing as for challenge number one, just with an Erlenmeyer flask instead of the beaker.

For challenge number three we were supposed to get the gold coin, silver coin, two coins and five coins in the Erlenmeyer flask but without using an index card; we had to use an embroidery ring instead! We put the embroidery ring standing up on the Erlenmeyer flask and then we put the coin(s) on top of it and we were supposed to get them in.

The questions for the challenges, that we have to finish for homework, are:

Challenge one:
  • Draw a labeled force diagram of the coin when it is on the index card over the opening of the beaker.
  • Why can you do this? Explain it in your lab notebook using the words force, Newton's First law, gravity, inertia and anything else you feel is appropriate.
Challenge two:
  • Was this harder than getting the coins in the beaker? Why or why not?
Challenge three:
  • Draw a labeled force diagram of the con(s) when they are on the hoop, above the flask.
  • Did you get this trick to work? Why or why not?
  • Using the idea of Newton's First Law, explain how this trick works. Think about the words you should include.
  • Finally, using Newton's First Law, explain how a magician can remove a table cloth from a table with things on top of it. (Try doing this without using your book for help!)
The next scribe is........................


Monday, January 25, 2010

Scribe List (3rd Quarter)


Friday, January 22, 2010

Reflection Post

I really liked blogging. It was fun and helped us understand science and blogger better. People who were absent could look at the blog to see what we did in class. I think that the best thing about blogging is that we can be creative with our blog post. Another thing that I enjoyed was looking at the visitors map One thing that I did not like about blogging was putting the links into our major comments. I think it was good that we choose blogger because word press is a little complicated. All in all I really enjoyed blogging.

Reflection post

I enjoyed blogging a lot, and I like Blogger the same as WordPress, because WordPress was also very well organized and had many functions. I enjoyed uploading pictures and making videos; I also liked making comments. I hope we continue to do this the next quarter, and I would like to see what other people from around the world think about our blog and it would be fun if they made comments to it.

Weblogs, Book Logs, and Blogs?

W-E-B-L-O-G (Wonderfully Entertaining Basic Log Over Generations) weblogs, more commonly known as blogs are used all over the world. Most people use it as their family newspaper to let others know what they are doing, from licking a lollipop to visiting Cairo. The AISZ SEVENTH GRADE SCIENCE CLASS, however used it for something else.
As we all know, SCIENCE, can be quite boring (just joking!). To spice it up, Ms D decided to use the computer, (the love of the children in the 21st century). Using she decided to have a "SCRIBE" write what has happened that day in class. I was the first scribe. Here at the problems I had:
  • blogger doesn't allow JING pictures to be big.
  • pictures can only be in a couple of places
  • commenters can't put direct links (clickable ones)

Here are the ups to blogging

  • none
  • none
  • none
  • being able to see what happened in class if you were sick
  • having fun and learning computer-related things
  • seeing all the people who visited your blog
  • having fun in general

Overall, I enjoyed blogging and can't wait 'till next quarter, when we'll comment on some other class' blog and have them comment on ours.

Reflection Post

In my opinion the worst part of blogging was the comment controls. For example in a comment you cannot put in a hyperlink you have to write the web address and then the reader has to copy paste that into the address bar. Also you can't enter a picture or video into a comment. As well you can't bulllet point or number things. This is a problem only blogger can fix.

Iva's Blog Reflection

Our first blogging adventure passed quite well, in my opinion! What I liked about this blog was that it was much more organized than Word Press. It was very colorful and simple to use as well. We could also upload pictures, videos and links very easily when writind our scribe post. I think that this blog will be helpful for absent students who are sick or not at school. All of us wrote blogs which had included all of the things we covered in class. My least favorite part about scribing was that when I wrote my scribe post on Word and then copy-pasted what I wrote on the blog, what I wrote didn't turn out the way I made it look like on Word. For example, I spaced out every paragraph but Blogger squezzed it all together. A second thing I disliked about Blogger was that when we commented, we couldn't upload pictures and we had to copy-paste links to videos and the person who wished to watch the link had to copy-paste the link into the URL. That was a part about Blogger that I disliked. All in all I think that we should continue to use Blogger because it is useful and interesting to be part of!!!

Reflection post (vance)

I think the muddiest point in this blog for me was not the scribe post but the comments. I thought that the comments were hardest because I only did one minor post before the day before it was due. I hope it is easier for me next semester.

Gio's Reflection Post.

Hello everyone!
I think that the blog project was interesting and fun. I enjoyed the idea of writing evrything that we did in class, because if you were absent, and you don't know the homeworks. what we did in class, the blog is very helpfull. And also the blog was a good idea to show our parents, friends, the work that we do in science class. The only thing that I didn't enjoy was the website. I had some difficulties to put the pictures. Overall, I enjoyed the blog prject idea, and we should really keep doing it!!
Thanks for reading, Bye!

Reflection Post

In my opinion, the muddies points while blogging is how to put the information I got into words for the blog. Another thing I did not really enjoy is the 3 miner and 1 major post. I also had trouble with the length of the post. I also did not really like pictures and color of the fonts. Overall I liked blogging and i think we should do it again but with out miner and major comments.

Reflection Post (Reza)

I think that the Muddiest point in blogging was when we had to make a major comment. This troubled me because it was very hard to make link to a video that had to do with the topic. My view on the subject is that it was a good way of helping the people who got sick. It was very good how people posted the homework. In conclusion I believe we should do this again for the next quarter

Fabi"s Reflection Post

So far, blogging has been very fun. I enjoyed reading everyones scribe posts, and when I missed a science class, our blog was very helpful. I think in the future we should explore blogger together, because when I was doing my scribe post, I had some trouble with uploading, copy-and-pasting from a word document to blogger, and editing. Other than this, I think that the blog is going well, and I understand how to use it now. Anyone who is absent will surely consider our blog very useful. Also, we can use the blog to study for any tests or quizes, because it goes through all we've done in every science class!! Altogether, I think our blogging adventure went really well, and we should continue doing it!!!!

Reflection post

For me, the muddiest point in blogging was procrastination. I did two of my minor comments and one major on the very last day, at 7 pm. That was slightly too close too the end. I liked the Blog at the start, but it soon got too much like work. There was the fun of seeing a blog for just us, but then it was boring. I would enjoy having a blog again, but maybe not with just with what we did in class.


Blogging was a whole new thing for all of seven grade and even though it was a lot of fun I had encountered several problems during this quarter. First of all, it took a long time to put the movies or pictures on and you couldn't arrange them anywhere you wanted. Secondly, you couldn't add pictures or movies to the comments you made and it made it harder for us to improve the person's post. Even though we had a few problems the project itself was extremly fun and I strongly agree on another quarter full of blogging!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Thursday 21 Science Class

Hello seventh graders!

Today Ms. D was only present for the beginning of the class, enough to tell us about a couple of dates.

1st.....Tomorrow, we will be working on the lab and writing a reflection post, which is a post explaining what you liked about the blog, what you struggled with, what you think you should work on etc.

2nd... A rough copy of our lab is due this Tuesday coming up! Feel free to talk to MS. D is you need help.

3rd The final copy of the lab is due Thursday!

Ms. D also passed out the results from the tennis ball acceleration / deceleration graph and paragraph, which was the last grade this quarter except for the blog. Some of us got the results for our scribe and blog posts today, but not all!

For the rest of the class, Mr. Tim, the substitute teacher taught. We did work on the lab today. First, we watched a short video called Physical Science in Action, which was about gravity, forces, Isaac Newton, mass, weight, Galileo Galilei, air resistance and acceleration

After the movie we had a discussion with Mr. Tim in which we revised pretty much everything about forces, gravity friction, distance, speen, weight and mass. Mr. Tim taught us that the strongest form of friction is static friction, and the weakest form of fluid friction is friction.

Next, we learned an interesting fact about Isaac Newton? We learned that after Newton spent a lot of years on the principles of gravity, he went to present his theory to the public. People laughed at him and denied all he had worked on. Becuase his presentation method was dropping an apple and Explaining that the apple was attracted to the center of the Earth, the others made up as story in which Newton got hit on the head with an apple while he was sitting under a tree, and it stuck ! But that's really not when Newton first thought about gravity!
Then we started discussing about black holes, which led to watching a few video clips on Stephen Hawking, a man who spent most of his life on black holes. He has a breathing which has paralysed him completley, except for a muscle underneath his right eye, which he uses to communicate with. Here are some links to movies on Stephen Hawking:
The next Scribe is ......Viktor!!!!!!!!
Thanks! Have a great rest of the week!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Hi 7th grade! On last Tuesday January, 19, 2010, Ms D. started class with talking about due dates.

Tuesday January 26th- Factors That Effect Friction Lab rough copy.

Thursday January 28th- Factors That Effect Friction Lab.

Thursday January 21st – all blogging has to be finished by 4pm,except for Fabis scribe entry.

After we turned in our homework, which was the tennis ball graph and the paragraph, Ms. D talked to us about the reflection that we have to write. A reflection is a brief post that talks about their personal muddiest point of blogging. More information for the reflection is on the Blogging in Seventh Grade sheet.

We used the rest of the time for our investigating the Factors that Affect Friction testing. For this lab we used 3 wooden blocks, which always had to be the same number. When we did the sand paper testing it was important that the wooden block was only on the sand paper and not touching the smooth surface of the desk.

Groups for the lab:

Antonia, Alix, Fabi

Emilie, Gio, Noam

Viktor, Cip, Kat

Erik, Vance, Iva

Laura, Bryce, Reza

Our homework for tomorrow is to read pages 46-50

The next scribe is FABI...

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Science Class Friday 14

Hello Seventh Graders!
This is the scribe post for Friday 15, 2010! At the beginning of class we reviewed our homework which was to answer two random questions.
The two random questions were:
1. Where is Marianas Trench? In what Ocean is it located and how deep is it?
2. What is the capital of Bolivia?

The answers to the questions above were:
1. Marianas Trench is located in the Pacific Ocean – Challenger Deep is the deepest point of it and it is 11,033 meters below sea level.
2. There are actually two capitals of Bolivia. One is Sucre and the other one is La Pas.
Secondly, we got back our homework that was due Thursday 14. The homework we got back was our graph and paragraph on another class’s data for the ping pong ball. This homework was worth 10 points.
Another task we covered was beginning our lab on FRICTION! Ms. D introduced the lab to us and she went over the purpose question, the hypothesis, and rubric as well as the conclusion and evaluation that we are going to be expected to write. The lab is called, Investigating the Factors that Affect Friction.
Just a reminder that we have homework due Tuesday 19! The homework is to graph the Red class’s data for the Tennis Ball and write a paragraph about it!!!
Well, those are the things we covered in class Friday 15.
The next scribe is AnToNiA!!!!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Thursday 14 January lesson

Hello everyone!

Here there is the scribe post of the lesson of today, 14-01-2010. Today first Ms. D. checked our homework, which was finishing the graph of acceleration and deceleration of the ping pong ball using the document that we have shared on Google Docs. After this, we watched three videos of Bill Nye the science guy about friction, and I think it was very helpfull.

Here you can find them:

After we have watched the videos, we read pages 42-45 on our Science Explorer textbook; then Ms. D. explained us the meaning of these pages, and we took notes. Also, like last time, Viktor, Noam , and Reza took notes on the small laptops, on Google Docs.

Here there are the links:

I would remind you that tomorrow there is some homework!

Random Questions:

1. Where is the Marians Trench? What Ocean? How deep is it?

2. What is the capital of Bolivia?

and reading pages 42-45 of the Science Explorer textbook.

Ms. D. also reminded us the gravity, here's a picture that may can help:

The two arrows going down
say "Air pressure" and
"Gravity". The arrow going up says " Force of the floor"and the thing in the middle of the square says "Box".
That's it, the next scribe is Iva.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The first science class since the break

Today is 01/22/10 and the first class since the break.
Today we learned to make a line graph that will correctly show acceleration. To do this you make the x-axis time and the y-axis speed. We Also learned to make a best fit line or curve. to do so you draw a line or curve through the graph that follows the general direction of the points on the graph. For the class, Ms.D assigned three people to take notes on the computers. the three people were
Noam : Notes A
Reza : notes B
Viktor : notes C
Today in science we also started a new unit, Physics.
for this unit our vocab words are
Net Force
Unbalanced Forces
Balanced Forces
Static Friction
Sliding Friction
Rolling Friction
Fluid Friction
Free Fall
Air Resistance
Terminal Velocity
Law of Conservation of Momentum
Centripetal Force
Today's science homework was to graph the data on the sheet you were given only for the ping pong ball. For the graph you should
-make a line graph
-include the best fit curve
-circle outliers
-label the X and Y axis
-label the title
and write a paragraph including acceleration, deceleration, ping pong ball, time, speed, correlation and best fit curve. This paragraph should include one sentence of support that includes outliers.
Next scribe is Gio