Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The first science class since the break

Today is 01/22/10 and the first class since the break.
Today we learned to make a line graph that will correctly show acceleration. To do this you make the x-axis time and the y-axis speed. We Also learned to make a best fit line or curve. to do so you draw a line or curve through the graph that follows the general direction of the points on the graph. For the class, Ms.D assigned three people to take notes on the computers. the three people were
Noam : Notes A
Reza : notes B
Viktor : notes C
Today in science we also started a new unit, Physics.
for this unit our vocab words are
Net Force
Unbalanced Forces
Balanced Forces
Static Friction
Sliding Friction
Rolling Friction
Fluid Friction
Free Fall
Air Resistance
Terminal Velocity
Law of Conservation of Momentum
Centripetal Force
Today's science homework was to graph the data on the sheet you were given only for the ping pong ball. For the graph you should
-make a line graph
-include the best fit curve
-circle outliers
-label the X and Y axis
-label the title
and write a paragraph including acceleration, deceleration, ping pong ball, time, speed, correlation and best fit curve. This paragraph should include one sentence of support that includes outliers.
Next scribe is Gio


  1. Great post! I found a video on YouTube that could help everyone with understanding gravity: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uy3nATe85Kg&NR=1
    It is from a kids show called Eureka!

    I think that you could have varied your colors, told us who the man on the painting was and checked your grammar. You could've made the "next scribe" section bigger as well. I think it was really good that you put links to the Google documents, though! It was good that you put the vocabulary and that you didn't use complicated language while writing the post.

    Good job!

  2. Nice blog post Vance! I hardly saw any spelling or gramatical errors! It would have been nice if you had written what force was (push or pull).
    Here's a great place to learn about Physics. This is the first episode: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=by-7kkAu2Pg

  3. Maybe you should of told the people who weren't here what an outlier is because it is a new term. other than that, the post is great.

  4. I like that you mentioned the best fit line and curve.
    I also liked that you wrote down the vocab. words that we got in class.
    It would maybe be better if you copies the link to the google docs.
    Another thing is that you could explain the lab that we got back a little bit more.
    Great blog post!

  5. Cool post Vance. I think you did a great job on your blog. I like that you talked about the graph we did and the new force vocabulary.

  6. A great post Vance but it would have been nice if you bullet pointed the vocab words and added some color variation.

  7. Your blog was completely understandable. It wasn't their in class and I understood it completely. So I guess that means that you made a good blog. GOOD JOB!!!!!!
