Friday, January 22, 2010

Weblogs, Book Logs, and Blogs?

W-E-B-L-O-G (Wonderfully Entertaining Basic Log Over Generations) weblogs, more commonly known as blogs are used all over the world. Most people use it as their family newspaper to let others know what they are doing, from licking a lollipop to visiting Cairo. The AISZ SEVENTH GRADE SCIENCE CLASS, however used it for something else.
As we all know, SCIENCE, can be quite boring (just joking!). To spice it up, Ms D decided to use the computer, (the love of the children in the 21st century). Using she decided to have a "SCRIBE" write what has happened that day in class. I was the first scribe. Here at the problems I had:
  • blogger doesn't allow JING pictures to be big.
  • pictures can only be in a couple of places
  • commenters can't put direct links (clickable ones)

Here are the ups to blogging

  • none
  • none
  • none
  • being able to see what happened in class if you were sick
  • having fun and learning computer-related things
  • seeing all the people who visited your blog
  • having fun in general

Overall, I enjoyed blogging and can't wait 'till next quarter, when we'll comment on some other class' blog and have them comment on ours.


  1. I hope you learn more about science and realize that it is not at all boring! Scientific discoveries are some of the most exciting things that have ever happened. I teach Ecology and Evolution at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. I enjoyed reading your blog and hope you grow to love science!


  2. About the jing pictures not being big enough, can't you resize them on blogger by click and hold the left mouse button on the squares on the corners of the picture?

  3. hey there i hope you learn more about science and blog about things you learned. i hope you have fun blogging.

  4. Hi there Kat - nice Reflection Post! I love the colors and emphasis you put in here throughout your writing! I am glad you have learned much and have had fun this past quarter writing the posts. Keep on commenting on other people's posts! Well done!
