Friday, January 22, 2010

Reflection Post

In my opinion, the muddies points while blogging is how to put the information I got into words for the blog. Another thing I did not really enjoy is the 3 miner and 1 major post. I also had trouble with the length of the post. I also did not really like pictures and color of the fonts. Overall I liked blogging and i think we should do it again but with out miner and major comments.


  1. Hi Noam - Thanks for writing your Reflection Post. Based on what you wrote, I am not sure what you enjoyed about this project. You need to get in the habit of explaining everything we are doing in the class to help people who are absent from the class the day you need to Scribe. I did enjoy the Elements Song and some of your comments, although they could have been lengthier. Overall, nice work this past quarter on the blog!

  2. Awwh, thats a shame that you dont like blogger. but thats ok we have different likes and dislikes. anyways, Can I suggest you one thing? dont use really bright colors as much as possible. because people will have a hard time reading your post and some time that would make them to skip your post instead of reading it. Good luck next time! (:
