Thursday, January 21, 2010

Thursday 21 Science Class

Hello seventh graders!

Today Ms. D was only present for the beginning of the class, enough to tell us about a couple of dates.

1st.....Tomorrow, we will be working on the lab and writing a reflection post, which is a post explaining what you liked about the blog, what you struggled with, what you think you should work on etc.

2nd... A rough copy of our lab is due this Tuesday coming up! Feel free to talk to MS. D is you need help.

3rd The final copy of the lab is due Thursday!

Ms. D also passed out the results from the tennis ball acceleration / deceleration graph and paragraph, which was the last grade this quarter except for the blog. Some of us got the results for our scribe and blog posts today, but not all!

For the rest of the class, Mr. Tim, the substitute teacher taught. We did work on the lab today. First, we watched a short video called Physical Science in Action, which was about gravity, forces, Isaac Newton, mass, weight, Galileo Galilei, air resistance and acceleration

After the movie we had a discussion with Mr. Tim in which we revised pretty much everything about forces, gravity friction, distance, speen, weight and mass. Mr. Tim taught us that the strongest form of friction is static friction, and the weakest form of fluid friction is friction.

Next, we learned an interesting fact about Isaac Newton? We learned that after Newton spent a lot of years on the principles of gravity, he went to present his theory to the public. People laughed at him and denied all he had worked on. Becuase his presentation method was dropping an apple and Explaining that the apple was attracted to the center of the Earth, the others made up as story in which Newton got hit on the head with an apple while he was sitting under a tree, and it stuck ! But that's really not when Newton first thought about gravity!
Then we started discussing about black holes, which led to watching a few video clips on Stephen Hawking, a man who spent most of his life on black holes. He has a breathing which has paralysed him completley, except for a muscle underneath his right eye, which he uses to communicate with. Here are some links to movies on Stephen Hawking:
The next Scribe is ......Viktor!!!!!!!!
Thanks! Have a great rest of the week!

1 comment:

  1. I think that you did a good job in including the Steve Hawkins. Its good that you included some of the links to watch the Videos.
