Monday, May 31, 2010

Fabi's Reflection Post

Hey everyone!
Thanks once again for a great 4th quarter blogging!
It was even better this time because we've all become blogging masters.
I liked blogging because I was sick for a couple of science classes and the blog helped me in catching up. I'm glad we're doing it again next year. Sometimes blogging was challenging. For example, when posting comments, I found it hard to include science in my writing. I liked blogging more this quarter because we could comment on the 6th grade blog as well and it was fun to find out what they're doing. Also, I learned a lot from reading the scribe posts on the 8th grade blog, and am looking forward to doing it next year. I also enjoyed blogging because a lot of people included videos and pictures that were helpful. Some of the information on our blog helped when studying for the science quest, and some of the reminders were useful as well. Sometimes, when I hadn't brought in my organizer, I checked the blog for help. Overall, I'm glad we came up with the idea of a blog!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for doing your Reflection Post Fabi. I am glad you enjoyed blogging overall. Nice work! ~Ms. D
